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J L Loughner Video: This Student At Pima Community College: An Unconstitutional Crime!
Federal Judge John Roll, killed in Arizona today
Gabe Zimmerman, third from left; killed in Arizona today
Jared Lee Loughner may be a delusional, semi-literate ideologue, however, he is one of the more curious mass murderers in recent decades. Here's a video he seems to have posted yesterday on his Pima Community College website:
Here is the text of the video, again copied from a post he appears to have made yesterday:
This Student At Pima Community College: An Unconstitutional Crime!
Fraud If I'm not receiving the purchase from a payment then I'm a victim of fraud. I'm not receiving the purchase from a payment. Therefore, I'm a victim of fraud. All purchases for an educational course in The United States as of now are unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Section 10 in the United States of America's Constitution. A student paying for a Pima Community College course is a purchase for an educational course in the United States as of now. Therefore, a student paying for a Pima Community College course is unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Section 10 in the United States of America's Constitution. If you're receiving a grade from Pima Community College class then the grade you're receiving is unconstitutional because of the United States Bill of Rights. You're receiving a grade from Pima Community College class. Therefore, the grade you're receiving is unconstitutional because of the United States Bill of Rights. The grading you purchase from Pima Community College is unconstitutional at tuition. The United States Department of Education is allowing unconstitutional education facility's to operate or the United States Department of Education is allowing free constitutional education facility's to operate. The United States Department of Education isn't allowing unconstitutional education facility's to operate. Thus, the United States Department of Education is allowing free constitutional education facility's to operate. If the police remove you from the educational facility for talking then removing you from the educational facility for talking is unconstitutional in the United States. The police remove you from the educational facility for talking. Thus, removing you from the educational facility for talking is unconstitutional in the United States. This situation is fraud because the police are unconstitutional! Every police officer in the United States as of now is unconstitutionally working. Pima Community College police are police in the United States. Therefore, Pima Community College police are unconstitutionally working. The police are unconstitutionally working! All United States of America's college programs are unconstitutional colleges that's in accordance with the United States of America's Constitution. Pima Community College is a United States of America's college program. Hence, Pima Community College is an unconstitutional college that's in accordance with the United States of America's Constitution. Every Pima Community College class is using free sources for education from the internet. Algebra is a Pima Community College class. Thus, Algebra is a free source for education from the internet. Every Pima Community College class is always a scam! If you're literate in English grammar then you know English grammar. You don't know English grammar. Thus, you're not literate in English grammar. Most of the teachers and students at Pima Community College are illiterate. If I'm thinking of adding the 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system then I'm thinking of creating 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system. I'm thinking of adding the 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system. Thus, I'm thinking of creating 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system. You control the grammar! Don't be scared to know you can't find the location of a subject: Most students can't locate a subject! Most people know all the subjects are for mind control and brainwash! The students are unconstitutionally paying for free education! The students are attending a torture facility! You know the teachers are con artists? You now know - every college's unconstitutional crime! You shouldn't pay unconstitutional money for free speech! Don't trust the current government, listener
Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno
Disclaimer: People, this guy makes no sense, and only serves as an example of what NOT to believe in, and how NOT to live life!!!
Fear and trepidation give way to something more forceful so what the fuck, let's give it a shot, see who is out there and shake some shit up! Freedom, liberation, democracy, justice; clean up this nation and planet. Off oil, off coal, and off nuclear; welcome to the 21st Century kids! Green energy, sustainable architecture, holistic politics, Middle East news, nonviolent freedom fighters, peaceful revolution, global intelligence.
Yuya Joe College is a Toronto-based Canadian blogger and global green energy advocate, who promotes freedom and justice worldwide. Back in the Day, Punk rock reggae music pioneer Joe College performed (opening for DOA and The Viletones) at the Rock Against Radiation concert in Toronto and the Deep Wave Festival at Bingeman Park (opening for Teenage Head and DOA) in Kitchener.
Keep on rocking til it's a free world! Nestaman LIVE UP!
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