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I received an email this afternoon from Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz (okay, me and several million others received it), advising us that the...
Steve Leckie and Viletones - Reckless rock'n'roll revisited by Yuya Joe College (excerpt from forthcoming book "T...
After finding Simon's recollections of his Rocking Horse days and his early music influences, it was a joy tonight to come across thi...
(Photo: Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye) I am working on an article / post about the world-changing Queens that reigned from the beginn...
Saint Patrick Morgan Arthurs November 11, 1939 - September 30, 2012 This past Friday I went to a funeral for an old friend...
Mubarak imprisons Google exec Wael Ghonim Video showing arrest of Wael Ghonim in Egypt: Egypt Protest Cairo - Sky News from duncan sharp o...
Like many a punk from the Day, it is my belief that the best punk rock bands (Pistols, Clash, DOA, Ramones, Dead Boys, The Damned etc) lived...
The Daily Beast is running a story showing After and Before pics of Rathika Sitsabaiesan's parliamentary headshot, with the premise that...
Riding the Rocking Horse By Simon Leblovic Things that you don't think are important at the time seem to take on personal significance a...
After Mikail Grabovski scored the opener for the Leafs early in the 2nd period, Nazem Kadri created space with his skating and puck wizardry...
Livewire - Amnesty International blogging for human rights
Yuya Joe College's Facebook Wall
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lennon, KISS, Rush; A Tip for the Mayor of Cleveland
Monday, February 22, 2010
Preliminary analysis of King Tut's DNA results
Saturday, February 6, 2010
1979 Part Two; The Smiling Buddha and Utopian Anarchy
Age of the Goddess; Queens of the Ninth Century BC
In the political / military world, Tuya Asherah's daughter Tiye was wife to two Pharaoh's, plus mother of two and grandmother of at least one (Tutankhamun).
In the spiritual realm, Asherah's memory was melded with and eclipsed by (in the pantheon of Goddesses) her granddaughter-in-law, Queen Shammuramat / Semiramis, who founded the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and created a lasting monument to her own name, "Heaven in the Sands" (Shammu-ramat). Tuya / Asherah's sons Aye (Ephraim) and Aanen (Manasseh) and their progeny more than made up for her fade from memory, as they and the Chosen changed the world forever.
The 9th Century BC will come to be viewed as the true beginning of monotheism, resulting from a melding of Egyptian / Ethiopian rites and teachings with those of Assyria / Mittanni, even then without insulting Mesopotamian / Babylonian ancestors. The Sun King Akhenaten professed worship of One God, and the Century of Peace between David and Joseph created the faith we know as Judaism, and laid the foundations for the emergence of Christianity in the First Century AD and Islam in the 7th Century AD.
As the reigning warrior side of our lifetime heroes are hidden in Western / Judaic / Christian teachings, does that mean that to some degree the peaceful and loving side of these same humans has been hidden from Eastern disciples of The Prophet?
Oh what a predicament we're in...