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Contoversy in China over synchronized goldfish magic trick
Online video of Chinese goldfish magic trick
Boston.com report on Chinese TV broadcast of goldfish trick:
Hundreds of millions of people watched the magic trick during a China Central Television gala on the Jan. 30 eve of the Lunar New Year festival. The gala is China's most watched broadcast of the year.
Goldfish are a symbol of wealth in China, but the image of six of them swimming in perfect sync under magician Fu Yandong's direction alarmed some Chinese, who worried that magnets were implanted in the fish or that they were controlled by electric current.
Fifty-three animal rights groups and other groups have sent a letter to CCTV asking not to let Fu perform the trick again during Thursday's broadcast of the Lantern Festival, which ends the Lunar New Year events.
"We should stand for nonviolence, harmony and tolerance, but to my great surprise CCTV, the state broadcaster, tells the public we can use animals for entertainment. I think this is just wrong," said Qing Shaona, director of the Capital Animal Welfare Association.
Fu won't explain how his trick works, but has defended his actions, saying on his Twitter-like microblog that the goldfish are "living happily."
Like many Chinese, the animal rights groups want to know how the trick is done and have asked for a group of independent experts to examine the fish. The letter warns against the "potential torture or injury to animals resulting from audience members trying to imitate performances."
China has been working on a draft animal protection law, but it's unclear when it will be passed.
It was not clear whether the magic trick was to be performed again Thursday, as the animal advocates feared.
The Beijing Times on Tuesday quoted Chen Linchun, the director of the CCTV Lantern Festival show, as saying plans for broadcasting the show again were only a rumor.
But Fu's agent, Liang Ming, said Wednesday that a repeat of the trick has been planned, though a final decision has not been made on whether it will be included in the Lantern Festival broadcast.
"It's not convenient for me to say anything now. Just wait and see," he said in a phone interview.
Liang has said Fu will continue to perform the goldfish trick. He denied that the fish are abused but said he agrees with the animal rights groups' concerns that the public might harm fish while trying to copy the trick.
Fear and trepidation give way to something more forceful so what the fuck, let's give it a shot, see who is out there and shake some shit up! Freedom, liberation, democracy, justice; clean up this nation and planet. Off oil, off coal, and off nuclear; welcome to the 21st Century kids! Green energy, sustainable architecture, holistic politics, Middle East news, nonviolent freedom fighters, peaceful revolution, global intelligence.
Yuya Joe College is a Toronto-based Canadian blogger and global green energy advocate, who promotes freedom and justice worldwide. Back in the Day, Punk rock reggae music pioneer Joe College performed (opening for DOA and The Viletones) at the Rock Against Radiation concert in Toronto and the Deep Wave Festival at Bingeman Park (opening for Teenage Head and DOA) in Kitchener.
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