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Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt: Wael Ghonim deserves a seat on the national transition council

Wael Ghonim getting a hug from the mother of Khaled Said

Regular readers of the Original Joe College Blog are familiar with Wael Ghonim and aware that I support him as one potential member of Mohamed ElBaradei's proposed 3-person council to temporarily run the country for one year, when free and fair elections will take place.

Here are a few links for those unfamiliar with Wael Ghonim, and with ElBaradei's proposal for a 3-person council:

Online full text English translation of Wael Ghonim Dream TV interview transcript

ElBaradei proposal for 3-person national transitional council to run Egypt

Potential composition of Egypt's new leadership

Facebook.com webpage We Are All Khaled Said

Wikipedia page about Wael Ghonim info

If 3 or 4 are on Egypt's National Transitional Council, Wael must be one

It is not hyperbole or insolence to state that Wael Ghonim MUST be offered a seat on Egypt's proposed National Transition Council, for to think otherwise would be to misunderstand the protests and the wishes of Egyptian youth. Wael is their de facto spokesman, and he is widely respected across North Africa, the Middle East, throughout the Arab world and now, globally.

Though Mohamed ElBaradei has proposed a 3-person council including a rep from the military, I do not think he'd be averse to considering a 4 person council including 3 civilians and one military rep. It would be ideal if the additional council member could be a woman, and there are a range of worthy candidates, to be explored in a future post.

A member of the council could be the transitional President, or possibly this could be handled by a senior, well-respected person not on the council, as long as he or she could handle that role if he accepts that it is honorary and that the true power will be held by the council, which will make all major decisions.

Egypt needs:

A) A new constitution

B) New election laws, probably at every level of government

C) A new criminal code

B and C will flow from A, so we will explore A in a future post.

A question for you, dear reader, and please help us out here. Below I am posting a proposed 4 person council to form the transitional Government of Egypt, and I am asking for suggestions regarding the answer to this: Which Egyptian women are most deserving of a seat on the national council, and which ladies are perceived to have the most to offer their nation in this role?

Please provide suggestions in the Comments section below, and I will feature some of the luminaries in future posts.

Proposed format for 4-person National Transition Council

One Wise Elder

- Mohamed ElBaradei
- Saad Eddin Ibrahim
- Or ???

One Youth Rep

- Wael Ghonim
- Asmaa Mahfouz
- And/Or ???

One Female Leader

- ???

One Military Man

- General Sami Annan
- Or ???

One suggestion would be that anybody on the council who plans to run in the national elections should resign six months before the election date, to focus solely on their campaigns. This makes it even more crucial that a range of candidates be discussed, for both the national council, and thirteen or so months from now, the new freely elected President.

As you can see, I am open to ideas for who would make up an ideal transitional government for beloved Egypt, so readers may feel free to post any and all suggestions in the comments section below. I believe the more people share their ideas, the better it will be for all.

Possible candidates for future, elected Egyptian President (more to come):

Amr Moussa
Mohamed ElBaradei
Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Ayman Nour
Wael Ghonim

2011 Revolutionary Calendar

January = Tunisia

February = Egypt

March = TBA

Tonight, February 11th, Wael Ghonim was asked on CNN, which revolution is next?

Wael's answer: "Ask Facebook."

How Facebook, YouTube, Twitter....and Google helped a revolution in Egypt

List of countries with rigged elections, fake democracies

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